Funding and regulations
H2Makers offers expertise on funding for hydrogen initiatives, permits, locations, business cases, policy, and regulations. We help entrepreneurs within the hydrogen market with information and advice.
Big plans, fine print
Even though the hydrogen market is relatively new, there is absolutely no shortage of guidelines and possibilities. H2Makers helps entrepreneurs with questions about funding, regulations, and their business case. For entrepreneurs, hydrogen projects are a source of great opportunity, with the right proposition, grants, permits, and locations being a crucial part.
Business cases within the hydrogen market vary from producing hydrogen to its storage, the use of hydrogen as fuel and the benefits of green energy. We are happy help you explore the commercial opportunities of the energy transition. Introduce your idea or organization through the Service desk. Interested to see which grants are available for the development of your hydrogen plans? Check the overview of hydrogen grants.
Would you like to explore business locations or are you in need of information about permits? H2Makers is here to support you. We connect entrepreneurs with a suitable location for their hydrogen project or with the right parties. Whether you are exploring the hydrogen market for the first time, looking for inspiration or in need of concrete connections: get in touch with us through the Service desk.
Information and advice for the hydrogen market
Knowledge of funding and business cases
Assistance with permits and locations
Reliable expertise and strong network
Expert partner within the sector
Do you see an opportunity in the growing hydrogen market, and would you like to talk to an expert? H2Makers is a network full of specialist knowledge. We help you prepare your product, service or proposition and find the right partners in the hydrogen economy. Together we can develop and realize your plans.
The H2Makers ecosystem consists of different types of parties. We connect entrepreneurs, large companies, educational institutions, and experts in a future-oriented network. We believe in regional collaboration, to develop innovative and sustainable hydrogen solutions.
On the About us page you will find an overview of current parties and experts within the H2Makers ecosystem. Looking to connect with a specific organization? We’re happy to help you.
Do you have a question about this theme or the hydrogen manufacturing industry?
Read the FAQ or get in touch through this contact form.
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